Saturday, December 10, 2011

What type of gasoline should I use for my Acura RSX type S ?

I know its recommended to use premium, but would it really hurt my engine if I used plus or just regular? I am asking because someone that owns a Acura TSX is using regular gas when its recommended to use better and he says that it doesn't affect his car? Please give a good answer.|||PREMIUM!!! why would you go against the mfg's instructions? is it worth the risk to do otherwise? do not be cheap. if you could not afford the gas for the car, you should not have got the car. just ask mom and dad for extra money. lol. MY CIVIC Si WILL SMOKE YOU, at least with me driving!! drive saftely. use premium.|||What dose it say on the gas door!

Sure!|||It depends if your car has a knock sensor. If it does, it will automatically retard the timing to prevent detonation. You may notice a slight decrease in performance, but it won't hurt your car. If you don't have a knock sensor, it could do some serious damage.

"Correct ignition timing is essential for optimum engine performance and fuel efficiency. Modern automotive and small-boat engines have sensors that can detect knock and retard (delay) the ignition (spark plug firing) to prevent it, allowing engines to safely use petrol of below-design octane rating, with the consequence of reduced power and efficiency.

A knock sensor consists of a small piezoelectric microphone, on the engine block, connected to the engine's ECU. Spectral analysis is used to detect the trademark frequency produced by detonation at various RPM. When detonation is detected the ignition timing is retarded, reducing the knocking and protecting the engine."鈥?/a>|||USE PREMIUM. Why? Same reason all high performance NA engines and Turbo motors need to. High compression. In your case your engine is built to have high compression to create more power. Higher compression means higher cylinder pressure due to more tightly compacted air. The more tightly compacted the air is the easier it is to ignite with fuel. The problem is...regular 87-89 octane fuel may detonate to early. The higher octane rating means it is more difficult to ignite that type of fuel. In your case the plugs may still be warm after they fire and when the air compresses again and injects fuel into the cylinder...the 87 octane will detonate too early, before the spark plug even fires. This will cause stress on the engine in the long run and possibly fatal damage if you like to run your car hard like I do. Your car is designed for 91-94 octane, so it won't pre-combust like that and cause damage. Be smart, use the best fuel possible.|||Do what the factory calls for. premium. regular and premium are two different gases for two different kinds of engines. Your engine was designed with premium!!! Engine damage can result. premium has a higher resistance to detonation. Yes your car has a knock sensor, and yes your car will retard the timing. But since when is premature detonation healthy for the engine even though you have a knock sensor? You may not notice a difference but using regular you will get worse gas mileage. more engine wear. and loss of power. Howd that man get ASE certified?

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